Danny Reynolds - Funeral Friday 5th March 2021 at 3pm

With great sadness and heavy hearts we must say goodbye to Danny Reynolds. A wonderful husband, son, brother, father, step-father, grandfather, and for all who knew him, a great friend. 

Danny’s funeral will take place at 3pm on Friday 5th March 2021 at Stirling Crematorium via live video stream: https://www.obitus.com 

Username: tolu0963

Password: 736399

The live webcast will be available approx. 5 minutes before the start of the service. However a webcast connection testing facility is available now  by logging in using the details above. 

Prior to this, the funeral cortege will travel down Bannockburn Road to St Ninians Toll returning through Bannockburn to make its final journey to the Crematorium.

Please line the streets to give Danny the send off he deserves.

Rather than flowers, please join us in helping to raise crucial awareness of Oesophageal Cancer by making a donation to:


Together, our donations will help Heartburncanceruk.org continue essential research and make progress to prevent other families and friends from enduring such painful heartache and help to ensure those, like Danny, live the long and happy life they truly deserve. 




5th March 2021 at 3:00 pm
Stirling Crematorium Live Video Stream https://www.obitus.com Funeral cortège: Bannockburn Rd to St Ninians Toll making its final journey through Bannockburn to Stirling Crematorium. Live Webcast: https://www.obitus.com Username: tolu0963 Password: 736399 Get directions

Dannyreynolds.muchloved.com Heartburncanceruk.org